Sunday, May 2, 2010

let's pretend..

I love the smell of the air when it rains. I even have my window open right now.

I haven't written in a while, but I still don't know what to write about. My good friend on almost 13 years was up this weeked (she usually comes up once a month, but this was the first in 2 months D: ) and it was awesome. I missed her so much! Also, I went out for dinner for my other friend's birthday, even though it was yesterday. Had lots of fun. But, I think I found something to talk about...

Most of the time, we see something happen. We want to help, but we never put action to it. We see someone and we wish we could help, but we don't. Why is that? Is it the fear of what's going on might be pushed onto us? Or are we all just that selfish that we don't care enough to put action to our thoughts. We know it's happening, but why don't we act upon it?

Am I just repeating myself again?


  1. I know what you mean. It's just so easy to sit back and say "Oh, gosh. Someone really ought to do something about that. I wish I could... but y'know, I can't...."
    When really, most of the time we can. I don't know why we do this though. *shrugs*

    I love the smell of the air when it rains too. I think it's one of my favourite smells!

  2. So... You told me about this entry today. I found a video of the same idea when I got home! Aha, instantly thought of you.

    Check it out;

    I LOVE the smell of rain too - It's that smell that makes me instantly happy for no reason at all. aha
