Monday, April 12, 2010

Guys VS Girls

Guys are dicks? Honestly, get over your MANstruation already. You think your lives are so hard, get over yourselves please. ;D

Well, I'm generalizing, but lately a lot of the males in my life have been complete idiots. You know, it's alright to hurt everyone around you, because it's only about YOU and how YOU feel, isn't it? Who gives a damn about your family or friends, OBVIOUSLY not you. Go on and just do whatever you feel like thinking there's no consequences, I'm sure it's quite worth it! Who cares if you made her cry? Who cares if you make everyone else upset? You need to learn that it's not okay to lead people on. I can see that it means nothing to you.

But at the same time I see that it does, because that's just my anger speaking. You apologized, you did get over yourself, you're the good guy. You cleared things up between us, even though both of us were scared to discuss it. You didn't do it the hard way, you confessed your mistakes. We were good friends, but now we're better friends.

However YOU, no not you, him. I've known you for years, and this is what happens? Now we don't talk? What happened to best friends of 13 years? Something happens and you can't get over it? "They are best friends because you can love them forever, no matter what, and they'll love you back as if they were married to you," your words, but what happened to the 'no matter what happens' part? Thanks. Thanks for everything, but right now you're ticking me off- a lot. You should learn to get things together, before your actions. So that you're not stuck in this situation. I don't mean to put the blame on you, but it truely is your fault, sorry. My wise friend once told me:

"A guy should never kiss a girl if he doesn't know what to do afterward."

Girls are bitches. We talk about each other behind our backs, and we never know when to shut up.

Just like the guys, a lot of girls in my life have been really pissing me off. Tell me what you don't like to my face, don't talk to my best friends of 12 years about it behind my back, 'cause they do tell me. Also, a lot of them are acting as if they think looking 'dumb' is 'cute'. Stop bullshitting people. Be who you are, who you want to be. And please, stop putting yourself down.

I will admit that I hate my 'friend' Paige. She's taken my 'place' amongst my friends, and pushed me to the side, and I look like the bad person because I found other friends to hang out with (no worries I hang out with my originals too). But she has the nerve to talk about me? Don't worry, I'm not being a hypocrite at this moment, because I have told her I don't like her, and I don't appreciate it. Bitchy, I suppose. But it needed to be done.

Topic switch back to girls being odd.
A lot of girls suffer from self-hate (aka low self-esteem) and it makes me feel like a bitch when I admit that I think I'm pretty. There's nothing wrong with confidence, however there is a difference between confidence and cockiness. I feel that I don't cross the line (that makes me sound that way by saying that XD) because I'm not all self-absorbed about it.
LADIES, please, realize you are beautiful! Who even decided that there is a certain way we should look? Why should we be the ones who get all the pressure. We don't have to be! You can love yourself, and with loving yourself, you gain a whole new love for everyone else around you.

I give each one of my friends a compliment daily, sometimes more than one. Whether it be about their hair, clothes, any simple compliment does the trick. It also makes you feel good too, 'cause usually when you compliment people, they compliment you back. ;)

"In order to love another, one must love themselves."

We're all so different. I truly am not trying to put the pain of girls on boys, or the confusion of boys on girls, but life would be simpler if we didn't keep things from each other. If everything was straight forward. A quick "I'm not into you that way," a "I don't like it when you tell others things" or even a simple "Tell me how you feel". If we could get rid of all this fear, and not hide our feelings, things would be easier. No talking behind each others backs, no being lead on, and well, no being lost in a world with no communication through thoughts. I'm not saying that I do this regularly, because in fact, I don't, but I sure as hell know that my life would be a lot easier if I spoke my mind more often. Is that hypocritical ?

I'm rambling again...

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